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Friday, August 31, 2012

'The Expendables 2'

 Cast -

Directed by Simon West
Written by Richard Wenk and Sylvester Stallone (based on a story by Ken Kaufman)
 Sylvester Stallone stars as Barney Ross, leader of The Expendables

Arnold Schwarzenegger plays Stalllone's arch rival, Trench

The secret Central Intelligence Agency agent Mr Church, played by Bruce Willis, reunites The Expendables for a seemingly easy mission that turns out to be life threatening for all

Jason Stathom stars as Lee Christmas, second in command of the team and an expert in close combat using knives.

Jean Vilain - leader of the opposing team of mercenaries - played by  Jean-Claude Van

Jet Li plays the character of Yin Yang, a martial artist

Gunner Jensen played Dolph Lundgren

Chuck Norris plays a retired military operative on a mission to save his old teammates

Terry Crews, a former player in the National Football League is Hale Caesar, The Expendables' barrel-weapons specialist
Liam Hemsworth stars as Billy the Kid

'The Expendables 2' is released on Aug 17,2012

'The Expendables ' was released on  Aug 13, 2010
Directed by Sylvester Stallone

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