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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Spanish court opens sedition probe of Catalonia officials for independence bid Wednesday Oct 04,2017

pain’s High Court launched an investigation against top Catalan police and organizers on Wednesday Oct 04,2017 on suspicion of inciting rebellion against the state, just hours after the Spanish king charged that the Barcelona separatists were acting “outside the law and outside democracy.” 
With each passing day, national authorities and the pro-independence forces in Catalonia appear to be moving inexorably toward direct confrontation.
Included in the high court’s probe into acts of sedition is the head of Catalonia's regional police, Josep Lluis Trapero, whose officers disobeyed judicial orders to stop a referendum Sunday that appeared to overwhelmingly back splitting from Spain.
The head of the union that represents the Guardia Civil, a national paramilitary police force sent to squash a vote declared illegal, said that his officers were subject to harassment “and vilified by the citizens they serve.” He called for re-enforcements to be sent to Catalonia.
Late Tuesday, Carles Puigdemont, the Catalan regional president and a leading secessionist, repeated earlier vows that his government would submit results of the controversial referendum to the parliament and call for an independent republic.

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