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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Spain’s king calls independence vote by Catalonia ‘totally outside law and democracy’ Tuesday Oct 03,2017

In remarks unprecedented in modern-day Spain, King Felipe VI told the nation in a televised address Tuesday Oct 03,2017 that the separatist government in Catalonia had acted “totally outside law and democracy” by staging a disputed referendum on independence.
The king charged, “They have meant to fracture Spain.”
Sitting at his desk in Zarzuela Palace in Madrid, the king said the central government must ensure constitutional order in Catalonia.
The Spanish constitution describes the monarch as head of state and commander in chief, although the king serves a largely symbolic role these days. He traditionally addresses the nation during the Christmas holidays — not during political crises. Felipe’s address reminded some of his father’s appearance when he faced down the 1981 coup attempt.
His words are likely to bolster the central government’s case that the Catalan separatists have gone too far — and may signal new get-tough measures by Madrid against the Barcelona rebellion.
As the king addressed the nation, trade unions in Catalonia led a powerful general strike Tuesday that shut down businesses, highways and schools in a mass protest against police violence during the region’s chaotic independence vote.

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