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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Know what your sleeping position reveals about you

Each of us sleeps in a certain position which may be similar or different from those of our family members.

Apparently, each pattern signifies and reveals something about the person that we are. In short, our sleeping position reflects our personality traits.

Each of these sleep positions has been studied extensively by researchers and sleep specialists who have come to the conclusion that how you sleep reveals insights about your personality.
 For example, the most popular way to sleep happens to be in the fetal position; on your side with both legs curled up.
Approximately 41% of humans sleep this way according to a survey done by Dr. Chris Idzikowski, a sleep specialist who has written books on the subject. If you sleep this way it generally means you’re shy, calm, and sensitive on the inside but likely cover this side up with a tougher exterior.

People who sleep straight on their backside with both arms down at the sides have a more reserved, silent type of nature.
They have a no-nonsense attitude and are often regimented, preferring to plan things out well in advance.

People who prefer to sleep like a log, on the side with legs straight and arms resting by their sides, are said to be relaxed and have a more laid back type of personality.
They are easy to talk to and fun to be around, but may trust others a little too easily which can make them come off as kind of naive.

Those who sleep on their stomach with both hands under the pillow have friendly, welcoming personalities and sunny dispositions. However, they are usually quite sensitive on the inside because they have issues properly dealing with their feelings and emotions.
If you’re a snorer then you may be more aggressive than those who do not. Perhaps it is because of a lack of quality sleep, but people who snore are quick tempered and very easily irritated.

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