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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Yazidi woman held as Isil sex slave makes emotional speech to United Nations(UN)

21-year-old Nadia Murad Basee Taha breaks down as she describes the three months of torture she endured as an Isil sex slave 


A 21-year-old Yazidi woman has made a speech to the United Nations Security Council about how she was held by ISIL fighters as a sex slave for three months.
Nadia Murad Basee Taha made an impassioned plea in front of the UN to wipe out the terrorist organisation
She described how she was taken from her village in Iraq by Isil fighters in August last year and was then driven by bus to the city of Mosul.
"Along the way, they humiliated us. They touched us and violated us
"They took us to Mosul with more than 150 other Yazidi families. In a building, there were thousands of Yazidi families and children who were exchanged as gifts," she said to the the 15-member council.
"The man who took me asked me to change religion. I refused. Then, he asked for my hand in marriage, so to speak.
"That night he beat me. He asked me to take my clothes off. He put me in a room with the guards and then they proceeded to commit their crime until I fainted."
Before ending her speech Nada pleaded for the world leaders to eradicate the terror group, saying: "I implore you, get rid of Daesh completely."

"Daesh" is an Arabic acryonym  for "Al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Iraq wa al-Sham", the full name of the group that calls itself Islamic State but formerly used to be Islamic Stateof Iraq and Levant, or Isil. The acronym is favoured by mainstream Muslims, who say the term "Islamic State" gives a religious dignity to what is simply a terrorist sect.
"Daesh" also sounds similar to the Arabic phrase "Dahes" - or "one who sows discord" - and as such is regarded as highly insulting by Isil followers. In July, a group of 120 British MPs wrote to Lord Hall, the director-general of the BBC, urging him to instruct his staff to use "Daesh" as well. Lord Hall said that would break BBC impartiality rules by giving viewers the impression that the BBC was explicitly supporting the group's opponents.


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