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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Oscar Pistorius granted bail following murder conviction

 Pistorius has been granted bail
Oscar Pistorius(29) has been granted bail on Tuesday Dec 08,2015 ahead of his sentencing for the murder of his girlfriend, although his lawyer has sought permission to appeal the conviction to South Africa's highest court.

Oscar Pistorius will discover on April 18 whether his appeal to the Constitutional Court has been accepted after the Supreme Court of Appeal last week threw out his earlier conviction on the lesser charge of culpable homicide for killing Reeva Steenkamp in the early hours of Valentine's Day, 2013.

Oscar Pistorius must pay 10,000 rand (approx £456) before December 11 to secure his bail and will continue to be under house arrest in Pretoria after serving one year of his original five-year prison sentence.

Judge Aubrey Ledwaba said Pistorius would be electronically monitored to track his location, but would be allowed to leave the house at set times with official permission.

Should he fail with his appeal, Oscar Pistorius faces the prospect of a minimum 15-year jail sentence for murder, although the term could be shorter if he is released on parole

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