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Monday, December 7, 2015

Largest Destroyer Built for US Navy Headed to Sea for Tests Monday Dec 07,2015

The largest destroyer ever built for the U.S. Navy headed out to sea for the first time Monday, departing from shipbuilder Bath Iron Works and carefully navigating the winding Kennebec River before reaching the open ocean where the ship will undergo sea trials.
Heading out to sea: The 600-foot-long destroyer cruised along the Kennebec River to the Atlantic on its maiden voyage 
Spectators line the shore in Phippsburg, Maine, on Monday morning to witness the ship is headed out to sea for sea trials 
'IIt's the first in its class. There's never been anything like it. It looks like the future': said Kelley Campana, a Bath Iron Works employee 
Futuristic: Resembling a 19th century ironclad warship the, USS Zumwalt uses a 21st century version of a 'tumblehome' hull

Advanced automation will allow the warship to operate with a much smaller crew size than current destroyers.
More than 200 shipbuilders, sailors and residents gathered to watch as the futuristic 600-foot (183-meter), 15,000-ton (13,600-metric ton) USS Zumwalt glided past Fort Popham, accompanied by tugboats.
The largest destroyer ever built for the U.S. Navy is currently undergoing  sea trials. Future versions of the radical design will be fitted with 'star wars' railguns, if tests go according to plan. 

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