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Friday, February 6, 2015

Factory worker - who walks 21 miles to work every day gifted a new Ford

 Robertson's story has been widely shared on social media, and Robertson has been featured on national network news programs
James Robertson,a Detroit factory worker who has walked more than 20 miles (32 km) during his daily commute to work for a decade was surprised on Friday Feb 06,2015 with a brand new car, donated by a suburban car dealership.

The unexpected gift is the latest in an outpouring of donations from supporters across the globe who, touched by James Robertson's plight, have raised more than $310,000 to help him buy a car 
Robertson thought he was going to look at cars to purchase with Blake Pollock and Evan Leedy, who both helped coordinate the gift, worth an estimated $37,000
The unexpected gift is the latest in an outpouring of donations from supporters across the globe who, touched by James Robertson's plight, have raised more than $320,000 in an online campaign to help him buy a car.

 Robertson has told the Detroit Free Press that his car broke down a decade ago and, making $10.55 an hour, he has been unable to save for a new one
James Robertson had told the Detroit Free Press that his car broke down a decade ago and, making $10.55 an hour, he has been unable to save for a new one.

Robertson's story has been widely shared on social media, and Robertson has been featured on national network news programs

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