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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

New Jersey has its First Same Sex Marriages Monday Oct 21,2013

Same-sex marriages are now legal in 14 states and the District of Columbia in USA with New Jersey becoming the 14th State in USA to legalize same-sex marriage

A judge ruled on Sep 27,2013 that New Jersey must recognise gay nuptials.

Republican Governor Chris Christie, a potential 2016 White House candidate and opponent of gay unions, has dropped an appeal against the ruling.

Married gay couples in New Jersey can now receive all the state and federal benefits of marriage

A few minutes before midnight on Sunday Oct 20,2013, same-sex couples gathered in civic buildings across the state to wed

Newark Mayor Cory Booker, a Democrat who was elected last week to the US Senate, conducted some of the ceremonies at city hall.
US Senator-elect Cory Booker (right) conducted some of the ceremonies, including this one for Joseph Panessidi (centre) and Orville Bell, both 65

James Credle (right) and Pierre DuFresne kiss after tying the knot at Newark city hall  

Lydia Torres (left), 44, and Jenelle Torres, 42, wed at Newark city hall

New Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop conducted a joint ceremony for eight couples at the city council chambers
After exchanging vows in Lambertville, New Jersey, Beth Asaro, left, and Joanne Schailey celebrate with their daughter Kate, 13

Same Sex Marriage Ban Overturned by Judge in New Jersey Sep 27,2013
A New Jersey court has lifted a ban on same-sex marriage but state Governor Chris Christie has said he intends to appeal against the decision

Superior Court Judge Mary Jacobson lifted a ban on same-sex marriage in the state of New Jersey on Friday Sep 27,2013, finding the state's civil union system deprived those couples of certain federal benefits

The Ruling Takes Effect on October 21,2013

Thirteen US states, including much of the Northeast region, currently allow same-sex marriage

The ruling follows a July US Supreme Court decision striking down key parts of a law that prohibited the federal government from granting benefits to same-sex partners

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