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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Paloma Noyola (Mexico)dubbed 'The Next Steve Jobs'

Paloma Noyola(Mexico)aged 12 years,the youngest of eight children from a modest family was dubbed "The Next Steve Jobs" by a US magazine.

Paloma Noyola was thrown under the media spotlight since Wired Magazine featured the black-haired girl on its cover two weeks ago

Last year, Paloma Noyola whose school lies next to a dump across the US border wowed the country when she scored the maximum 921 in the national standardized exam, the best in Mexico.

Paloma Noyola has appeared in national newspapers and on cable news, redubbed "La Nina Jobs" -- "The Jobs Girl" -- with photographers and cameramen chasing the girl nicknamed after Apple's late founder

While Paloma Noyola made the cover of Wired, it was her teacher's radical methods that featured prominently in the magazine's story.

Sergio Juarez Correa, 32, saw his entire class's Spanish and math scores dramatically improve after he implemented a new approach, allowing students to tap into their own curiosity and self-learning to solve problems.

Juarez Correa took inspiration from the "minimally invasive education" concept of Sugata Mitra, a professor of educational technology at Britain's Newcastle University.

While Paloma Noyola garnered attention for acing the national exam last year, nine other students scored more than 900 in the math test.

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