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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Czech parliament dissolves Tuesday Aug 20,2013

The Czech parliament has voted to dissolve itself, triggering an early election which could hand the Communist party a share in power for the first time since a bloodless revolution ended its totalitarian rule two decades ago.

The proposal to dissolve parliament was tabled by the three main parties and was backed by 140 legislators in the 200-seat lower house of parliament on Tuesday Aug 20,2013.On Tuesday all but seven of the 147 legislators present approved the early ballot, 20 more than the required needed in the 200-seat lower house

Fresh elections are expected to be held in October 2013

New elections will end months of political turmoil after Prime Minister Petr Necas's government collapsed in June 2013 amid a bribery scandal(a senior aide with whom he was allegedly having an extra-marital affair was charged with bribery and abuse of power)

President Zeman appointed a long-time leftist ally Jiri Rusnok as Mr Necas's successor and swore in a technocratic "government of experts" on  July 10,2013

The new cabinet lost of a vote of confidence in parliament

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