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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Julia Gillard calls for leadership ballot -Thursday March 21,2013

The ballot, which also followed days of speculation over the leadership, had been scheduled for 16:30 (05:30 GMT), but minutes before it was due to take place Kevin Rudd(ousted  in 2010;challenged Julia Gillard for the party leadership in February 2012, but lost by 31 votes to 71) declined to challenge Julia gillard as he did not have enough support.
"I believe in honouring my word," he said in reference to an earlier pledge not to challenge Ms Gillard.
"I have also said that the only circumstances under which I would consider a return to leadership would be if there was an overwhelming majority of the parliamentary party requesting such a return, drafting me to return and the position was vacant," he went on.
"I am here to inform you that those circumstances do not exist."

Julia Gillard was re-elected unopposed and unanimously by a caucus which has once again revealed just how deep its divisions run.This was he third leadership spill in less than three years.

At the end , Julia Gillard declared the party's leadership ructions "completely at an end"
"I accept their continuing support of me as Prime Minister and Labor leader with a sense of deep humility and a sense of resolve.
"Today the leadership of our political party, the Labor Party, has been settled and settled in the most conclusive fashion possible.
"The whole business is completely at an end; it has ended now."
Julia Gillard was flanked by her deputy, Wayne Swan, who was also returned without facing a challenger, and said it was time to get "back to work"

Timeline: Julia Gillard

  • Dec 2006: Appointed deputy leader of Labor Party
  • Dec 2007: Sworn in as deputy prime minister to PM Kevin Rudd
  • Jun 2010: Successfully challenges Mr Rudd for the leadership, becomes 27th prime minister of Australia
  • Aug 2010: General election results in hung parliament; forms minority government with independents
  • Feb 2012: Survives a leadership challenge by Mr Rudd
  • Jan 2013: Sets general election date of 14 September 2013
  • Mar 2013: Calls leadership spill but Kevin Rudd declines to challenge

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