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Thursday, January 19, 2012


Google Inc.(NASDAQ:GOOG) is an American Multinational Internet and Software Corporation  ) specialized in Internet Search,Cloud Computing and advertising technologies.Google was first incorporated as a privately held company by Larry Page and Sergey Brin(while they were both attending Stanford University)  on Sep 4, 1998, and its IPO followed on Aug 19, 2004.

 Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin(DOBAug 21, 1973)Co-Founder Google

 Lawrence "Larry" Page (DOB March 26, 1973)Co-Founder Google

 Eric Emerson Schmidt (DOB April 27, 1955)Executive Chairman Google Inc

Google's rapid growth since its incorporation has triggered a chain of products, acquisitions, and partnerships beyond the company's core Web Search Engine.Google offers -

Google Search indexes billions of web pages, so that users can search for the information they desire
Gmail Email Service
Google + Social Networking Service
Google News Service compiled solely by computer algorithms without human intervention
Google Translate which can translate between 35 different languages
Android Mobile Operating System
Picasso Photo Organizing and Editing Software

Google has been estimated to run over one million servers in data centers around the world and process over one billion search requests.

Google currently owns and operates 6 Data Centers across the U.S., plus one each  in Finland  and Belgium

Google's Headquarters in Mountain View,  California is referred to as "the Googleplex''


Google Drive


Google Drive cloud-storage service that lets users store up to 5GB of data on Google's servers for free.

1. Google Drive is Google's newly launched cloud-based storage service that lets users store data online on Google's servers, and access the same anywhere, anytime. In other words, it is a place where users can create, share, collaborate, and keep all their stuff.
2. If a user runs the free Google Drive application, he will get a folder on his computer (Windows or OSX) where he can drag his files in to. Any data stored in that folder is kept on your hard disk and is also copied to account in the cloud. Users can anytime, anywhere access those files from or from other computers, including mobile devices.
3. Google Drive is offering the first 5GB of storage per account for free. Additional storage will be sold for prices starting at $2.49 per month for 25 gigabytes.
4. Users can choose to upgrade to 25GB for $2.49/month, 100GB for $4.99/month or even 1TB for $49.99/month. When you upgrade to a paid account, your Gmail account storage will also expand to 25GB. This will be a bonus for you!
5. Users can install Drive on their Macs or PCs and can download the Drive app to their Android phones or tablets. The company says that it is working on a drive app for iOS devices.
6. Any file you put in the drive, and any changes you make to the data stored in the drive are automatically updated not just in the cloud but on all the other devices that you have connected to the Drive.
7. Within file size and space limits, users can store any file or folder, which they can store on their hard drives, in a cloud drive.
8. Google Docs is also built right into Google Drive, so users can work with others in real time on documents, spreadsheets and presentations.
9. All users may not have immediate access to the Google Drive service. The Google Drive page says, "Your Google Drive is not ready yet." And when you click the 'Notify me' button beneath the message, it states: We'll email you at ****** (your email address) when your Google Drive is ready.
10. Users can attach photos from Drive to posts in Google+. According to the company, users will soon be able to attach stuff from Drive directly to emails in Gmail.



Google Adds 2.5 GB to Gmail Storage

Google launched Gmail as an invitation-only beta on April 1, 2004 and it has gradually over a span of eight years increased the storage from 1 GB to 7.5 GB.

Now to celebrate the launch of its much anticipated Google Drive cloud storage and sync product Google has announced that it is giving Gmail users 2.5 GB of additional storage.
In a post on the official Gmail blog, Nicholas Behrens, software engineer at Google's Gmail team, said, "Today, we're happy to announce that we're increasing everyone's free storage in Gmail from 7.5 GB to 10 GB (and counting) to celebrate today's launch of Google Drive."


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