
Monday, February 18, 2019

Eissa Muhamad,Niger man deported by Israel marooned in Ethiopian airport since Nov 2018

A Niger national who was expelled from Israel has been stuck at the international airport in Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, since Nov 2018 after his home country refused to take him back.

"I have been staying here at the airport under very bad conditions because there's nothing, nothing at all," 24-year-old Eissa Muhamad told 

Eissa Muhamad's series of misfortunes began in April  2018 when he was arrested for being in Israel illegally.

Eissa Muhamad had been living in the Middle Eastern state since 2011, having left Niger's north-western Tilaberi region as a 16-year-old in search of a better life.

Eissa Muhamad said he paid traffickers to take him across Libya and Egypt before he entered Israel by foot.

Once in Tel Aviv, Eissa Muhamad survived by doing odd jobs in hostels and in a sweet factory until April 2018 when he was arrested for being in Israel without proper documents.

After several months in detention, Israel issued Eissa Muhamad an emergency travel document and put him on an Ethiopian Airlines plane, via Addis Ababa, to Niger in November. But on arrival in Niamey, Niger's capital, he was refused entry by Niger's authorities who alleged his travel document was false.

"They didn't want me in Niger. They didn't accept me," Mr Muhamad said.


The abovestated situation of Eissa Muhamad reminds me -

1)the 18-yeat stay of Mehran Karimi Nasseri in Terminal 1 of Paris Charles de Gaule Airport in France from 1988 to 2006 and

2)the film ''The Terminal ''starring Tom Hanks and directed by Steven Spielberg

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