
Saturday, February 23, 2019

Algerians protest against President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's bid for fifth term Friday Feb 22,2019

Hundreds of demonstrators, in defiance of a ban on protests, rallied in the Algerian capital against a bid by ailing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika for a fifth term in office.

The protesters chanted pro-democracy slogans at a rally on Friday Feb 22,2019 in Algier's May 1 Square amid a heavy police presence

Security forces cordoned off the square and prevented other protesters from entering it

Bouteflika's re-election bid comes after the ruling FLN party picked him as its official presidential candidate. Several political parties, trade unions and business organisations have already said they would support his re-election.

In announcing his bid, he spoke of an "unwavering desire to serve" despite his health constraints and pledged to set up an "inclusive national conference" to address political and economic reforms.
Bouteflika is expected to easily win the vote as the opposition remains weak and divided

Bouteflika remains popular with many Algerians, who credit him with ending a long civil war by offering an amnesty to former Islamist fighters.

Bouteflika is the only president in North Africa who was spared in the pro-democracy uprisings of the Arab Spring that started in neighbouring Tunisia in 2010.

At the time, his government contained pro-democracy protests with promises of reform and pay raises, financed by the country's revenues from oil and gas.

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