
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Pakistan's Supreme Court Upholds Acquittal of Christian Woman Accused of Blashpemy Tuesday Jan 29,2019

Pakistan’s top court has upheld the acquittal of a Christian woman accused of blasphemy, finally ending her decade-old legal ordeal.

Asia Bibi (54)was freed from prison in October 2018 when the Supreme Court overturned her conviction and death sentence, saying charges against her were groundless and listed inconsistencies in witness testimonies.

But the woman has since been kept at an undisclosed location under state protection because of death threats from religious fanatics

Chief Justice Asif Saeed Khosa, who was heading the three-judge bench, said before throwing out the review petition Tuesday that the case did not merit a hearing because the complaint’s lawyer was unable to point out any flaws in the verdict freeing Bibi.

Tuesday’s court ruling has paved the way for Bibi to leave Pakistan, most likely for Canada, where her children have already been granted asylum.

Her attorney, Saiful Malook, said the rejection of the review petition is “a victory of justice." "The court vindicated our view that Bibi was innocent and justice has finally been done,” he added.


Asia Bibi, mother of five was arrested in 2009 for allegedly insulting Prophet Muhammad in a dispute with Muslim female farm co-workers in her native village in Punjab province.
Bibi was convicted a year later of blasphemy and sentenced to death. She has maintained her innocence from the outset

Insulting Islam or its prophet is punishable by death in under Pakistani laws. The issue is extremely sensitive in the predominantly Muslim nation where even mere rumors have led to the mob lynching of suspected blasphemers.

The law is often misused to settle personal feuds, say human rights groups.

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