
Friday, December 28, 2018

Romania - Two things you should know

1)A crossroads of different cultures - Roman, Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, Greek and Russian -- Romania officially recognises its minority groups and 18 of them are represented in the country’s parliament.The two largest minorities are the Hungarians, who account for 1.23 million people or 6.1 percent of the population, and the Roma, who number 621,000 officially but, according to their leaders, could account for as many as two million people.
Other ethnic groups are smaller: 51,000 Ukrainians, 36,000 Germans, 28,000 Turks, 20,000 Tatars, as well as Jews, Albanians and Ruthenians. Romania’s current president, Klaus Iohannis, elected in 2014, is the first head of state of German origin.

2)Since the fall of communism at the end of 1989, around four million Romanians have left the country.
While the exodus has emptied villages and created shortages in skilled labour, it has also generated large transfers of money to the emigrants’ families left behind - $4.3 billion or two percent of gross domestic product in 2017.

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