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Monday, March 26, 2018

7 signs you need to consult a dermatologist

Your skin is the mirror of your internal health.

Very often a lot of things are going on in various parts of the body, which reflect on skin but people tend to ignore them

7 signs you need to consult a dermatologist

* Acne: Acne is a normal problem which happens to teenagers or people with oily skin. But if the acne continues for a longer time, it can be due to hormonal disturbance. It can lead to thyroid.
* Dryness: Skin dryness can be due to winter season but if the skin is extremely dry, it can be because of diabetes or thyroid.
* Itching: Itching can be a sign of diabetes or infection in the body. Sometimes high levels of bilirubin or creatinine, can cause itching, which is an indication of liver or kidney problems.
* Rashes/skin allergies: They can be due to sun burn sometimes, but it may also be due to viral infections or a drug allergy.
* Darkening of underarms and neck: This is called acanthosis nigricans and is a sign of insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes. Very often people think it is just dirt or some allergy but that is not the case.
* Yellow deposits mainly around eyes: These are cholesterol deposits and are often associated with abnormal lipid profile.
* Persistent redness on face with or without itching typically on the cheeks and nose areas: It may be a sign of lupus, an internal disease. This can affect kidneys, liver, joints or oral cavity.

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