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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

What 100 days of GST meant for key sectors

It has been 100 days since the government introduced Goods and Services Tax (GST) on the midnight of June 30 and July 01,2017

The government has claimed that GST roll out has been fairly smooth, various analysts have opined that it has caused disruptions in the market.

Here is a round up of hits ans misses of the new tax regime across eight sectors.

The evaluation has been done by a PricewaterhouseCoopers team of Gautam Khattar (Partner, Indirect Tax), Kishore Kumar (Director) and Vidushi Gupta (Assistant Manager)

What worked

1) The litigation on E-commerce operators being liable to register under State VAT laws as 'agents of supplier of goods is put to rest

2) GST has brought down trade barriers

3) Increased pool of credits under GST is expected to bring down the overall cost of service in the long run

What didn't work

1) The threshold for registration is not applicable to e-commerce operators and persons supplying goods via e-commerce operators. The small players, ordinarily outside tax net, find it difficult to manage mammoth compliances

2) GST gives small tax payers an option to pay taxes under the composition scheme which entails lesser compliances. However, this option is not available to e-commerce operators and persons supplying goods through these e-commerce operators

3) GST envisages that e-commerce operator should collect a certain percentage of taxable supplies made through it by other suppliers, as tax at source. Though this mandate is applicable only in cases where the payment is collected by such operators, it adds to compliance burden and cash blockage. Considering the challenges, government has deferred it to April 2018.

What worked

1) The hospitality industry was previously subject to multiple tax levies on account of luxury tax, VAT and service tax. Restaurants were also charging both VAT and service tax. These issues have been eliminated by the single levy of GST

2) The state specific rates, classification and valuation challenges have been a bane for the industry which is now streamlined, providing a big respite in addition to the reduction in the effective tax incidence

What didn't work

1) Under the GST regime, the tax rate slabs applicable to hotels have been allocated on the basis of the published room tariffs, which has forced the industry to reevaluate their promotional and marketing schemes

2) State-wise registration under the GST regime has substantially increased the compliance burden

3) The exclusion of alcohol for human consumption from the purview of GST has also resulted in additional tax cost and documentational challenges

What worked

1) The effective rate of tax on most products has not seen much change from previous regime, while some products like toothpaste, soaps, hair oil etc has seen a overall reduction

2) Like most other sectors, the FMCG sector has been benefitted on account of seamless flow of credit resulting in reduction in procurement/production cost.

What didn't work

1) A lot of FMCG companies have set up warehouses in states like HP/ Uttaranchal as they enjoy benefits/exemptions under earlier regime. Govt has clarified intention to converge these tax holidays to refund schemes.

2) Most companies have consolidated their warehouses due to increased compliance burden. This has given rise to the requirement to re-evaluate supply chain mechanism so as to maximize gains under GST.

What worked

1) The effective tax rate applicable on economy class tickets has seen a reduction

2) The aviation industry has also witnessed a reduction in cost due to seamless flow of credit

What didn't work

1) The effective tax rate applicable on business class tickets has seen a considerable increase

2) Jet fuel has been kept outside the GST net. This has led to increase in fare

3) Under GST, airlines have to seek multiple registrations and undertake mammoth compliances in comparison to the erstwhile tax regime

What worked

1) The classification of works contracts transactions as supply of service and charging a single tax has brought transparency and relief across the industry. Previously both VAT and service tax was charged and valuation of these transactions were highly litigated across the states

What didn't work

1) Stamp duty continues to be outside the GST net which has complicated the tax structure

2) The overall rate of tax applicable on most inputs like paint, cement etc. used by the industry has increased leading to overall increase in the property prices

3) The real estate sector typically works a lot with unregistered dealers. The GST has imposed an additional requirement to pay tax under reverse charge mechanism on procurement of goods and services from such un-registered dealers. While the reverse charge provisions have been deferred till March 31, 2018 the relief is only temporary in nature

What worked

1) The cost of local taxes such as octroi, entry tax has been subsumed under the GST regime, resulting in reduction in manufacturing cost

2) The spinning and powerloom sector benefited from reduction in tax rate on man-made fiber and yarn to 12% from 18% and the rate applicable to job work of zari (embroidery) has also been slashed to 5% from 12%

3) Decisions such as quarterly tax filings for SMEs with an annual turnover of up to Rs 1.5 crore, deferring reverse charge taxability on procurement from unregistered vendors, expeditious refunds to exporters has aided the industry

What didn't work

1) The GST requirement to pay tax under the reverse charge mechanism on purchase from unregistered dealers has come as a huge blow to the industry. While the reverse charge provisions have been deferred till March 31, 2018 giving some immediate relief, the issue is likely to pose a challenge in the long run

2) To address concerns of exporters regarding timeline of GST refund, the Council has introduced facilities such as e-wallet and award of notional refund, however the drawback rates applicable to the textile industry from October 1 are substantially lower than those applicable under the previous regime

What worked

1) GST has removed taxes such as automobile cess, infra cess, motor vehicle tax, leading overall effective tax rate cut

2) The procurement/production cost of the sector has been substantially reduced due to availability of additional credits.

3) Despite the levy of compensation cess, the overall tax incidence has come down, paving way for price cut

What didn't work

1) Under GST, tax liability of the supplier arises as advance payment is received, while credit of such tax is allowed after goods or services are received, leading to working capital blockage. GST on advances for small dealers and manufacturers with turnover up to Rs 1.5 crore removed

2) Promotional schemes such as free distribution of samples were not taxable earlier. These need to be evaluated in light of specific provisions

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