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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Thousands gathered to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his death in Bolivia Monday Oct 09,2017

In the remote corner of eastern  Boliviawhere Ernesto "Che" Guevara died, thousands gathered to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his death at the hands of the CIA-trained Bolivian military
People places photos of Che and offerings of Cigar and Cigarettes at his Memorial in Vallegrande,Bolivia on the 50th anniversary of his execution

All four of Che's children, along with Bolivian President Evo Morales and Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera, and delegations from Venezuela and Cuba, came to pay their respects in the small town of Vallegrande on Monday Oct 09,2017
"This is a historic moment, not just for me personally, but for all peoples who struggle for their liberation," Morales told the crowd.
"To remember the 50th anniversary of Che's death is to remember the struggle for dignity and national sovereignty, and against imperialism."
Visitors from all over the world attended the main event at the airport where the remains of Che and six comrades were found in 1997 and later repatriated to Cuba
The nearby mausoleum and new museum show how the revolutionary icon transformed from being feared and hated by the Bolivian government to being praised by it
Monday's commemoration was part of five days of activities including film shows, theatre performances, photo exhibitions and talks.
"We are showing that in Bolivia, Che's thought and his work are being kept alive and that our government follows his example," said Alfredo Rada, Bolivian vice-minister of coordination with social movements.

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