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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

7 Food Items That Can Stain Your Teeth

* Coffee: It might be helping you to stay up, but the acid polyphenol in it is staining your teeth.

* Tea: Tea stains are worse than the coffee stains. All types of tea - black, green or white tea, stain the teeth.

* Wine: White wine has an acid content that tends to increase the risk of dark dental stains.

* Beverages: They are refreshing, but the acidic nature of that fizzy drink is eroding your enamel and also the bright smile.

* Curry: Again, amazing for tastebuds, but bad for teeth.

* Balsamic vinegar: It is used for salads, but it has also a negative aspect. Its dark natural color sticks to teeth.

* Berries: The anti-oxidant property gets a thumbs up. The same can't be said about its dark hue that affects teeth

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