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Monday, September 4, 2017

2017 BRICS Summit in Xiamen, China - Key Points From Xiamen Declaration Monday Sep 04,2017

1. Besides naming terror groups responsible for violence and causing concern, Brics called for a comprehensive approach to combat terrorism, including countering radicalisation, recruitment, movement of terrorists, supply of weapons and money laundering.
2. Working together to promote most effective use of fossil fuels and wider use of gas, hydro and nuclear power, which will contribute to the move towards a low emission economy, better energy access and sustainable development.
3. Commitment to promote green development and low-carbon economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty alleviation.
4. Enhancing Brics anti-corruption cooperation and supporting the strengthening of international cooperation against corruption.
5. BRICS strongly deplored the latest nuclear test conducted by North Korea, and expressed deep concern over the ongoing tension and prolonged nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula.

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