After the story of Peshwa Bajirao in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Bajirao Mastani, another Maratha Warrior's tale is set to be created on celluloid. Titled, Taanaji, the film stars Ajay Devgn as Subedar Taanaji Malusare, who fought alongside Chatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj
Ajay Devgn took to Twitter to share the first poster of the film, which is yet to go on floors. The actor wrote, "He fought for his People, his Soil & his King Chhatrapati Shivaji. The unsung warrior of glorious Indian history, Subedar Taanaji Malusare."
Taanaji is the celebrated warrior who is known for the Battle of Sinhagad in 1670. At Shivaji's request, he pledged to recapture the fortress of Kondana near Pune. According to legend, he received the summons while at his son's wedding, and immediately left the festivities. Taanaji and his troops scaled an impregnable fort with the help of his pet monitor lizard (gorpad in Marathi). The warrior and the battle have been enshrined in Marathi povadas (ballads celebrating military exploits).
The film is being directed by Om Raut and is set to release sometime in 2019.
Ajay Devgn took to Twitter to share the first poster of the film, which is yet to go on floors. The actor wrote, "He fought for his People, his Soil & his King Chhatrapati Shivaji. The unsung warrior of glorious Indian history, Subedar Taanaji Malusare."
The film is being directed by Om Raut and is set to release sometime in 2019.
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