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Friday, February 10, 2017

Hundreds Of Thousands Rally In Iran Against Donald Trump, Chant 'Death To America' Friday Feb 10,2017

 Hundreds of thousands of Iranians rallied on Friday Feb 10,2017 to swear allegiance to the clerical establishment following US President Donald Trump's warning that he had put the Islamic Republic "on notice", state TV reported. On the anniversary of Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution, which toppled the US-backed shah, marchers including hundreds of military personnel and policemen headed towards Tehran's Azadi (Freedom) Square.  They carried "Death to America" banners and effigies of Trump, while a military police band played traditional Iranian revolutionary songs.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's most powerful authority, had called on Iranians on Tuesday to take part in the demonstrations to show Iran was not frightened of American "threats".

State TV showed footage of people stepping on Trump's picture in a Tehran street.

"America and Trump cannot do a damn thing. We are ready to sacrifice our lives for our leader Khamenei," a young Iranian man told state TV.

Last week Trump put Iran "on notice" in reaction to a Jan. 29 Iranian missile test and imposed fresh sanctions on individuals and entities. Iran said it will not halt its missile programme.

Pragmatist President Hassan Rouhani also called on Iranians to join the rally on Friday to "show their unbreakable ties with the Supreme Leader and the Islamic Republic".

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