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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

British Prime Minister THeresa May Unveils bold blueprint for BREXIT Tuesday Jan 17,2017

Theresa May unveiled her bold blueprint for cutting ties with Brussels on Tuesday Jan 17,2017 - and warned that if the EU does not cooperate it could be 'crushed into tiny pieces'.

In an historic speech that will define the UK for generations, the Prime Minister vowed to take the country out of the European single market.

She insisted controlling rampant immigration is a red line - and made clear Britain will no longer tolerate being bossed around by European judges.

But in a concession to Europhile MPs and peers after months of bitter rows she announced that they will be given a vote on the final Brexit deal. 

The PM's vision delighted Brexiteers but drew howls of outrage from Remainers - who have been frantically trying to limit the impact of the referendum result since last June.

It brings to an end months of hedging and stonewalling by ministers, as they hammered out the plan of attack in the looming negotiations with the EU.

  • Told the EU that it would be an act of 'calamitous self harm' to try to punish the UK, warning of retaliation and saying it could end up 'crushed into tiny pieces'.

  • Said Britain had 'always looked beyond Europe' and the referendum was not a vote for withdrawing from the world stage.

  • Stressed it remained 'overwhelmingly' in the UK's interests for the EU to survive and succeed - and urged the bloc to behave in an 'economically rational' way. 

  • Said staying in the single market would not be Brexit and reiterated her determination to curb immigration.   

  • Made clear that she is prepared to walk away from the negotiating table if necessary because 'no deal for Britain is better than a bad deal'. 

  • Voiced support for a transitional agreement to 'phase' in the new relationship with the EU, but insisted it must be time limited to avoid becoming a damaging political 'purgatory'. 

  • Bowed to pressure from pro-EU parties and some Tories by announcing that the final Brexit deal will be put to a vote in both Houses of Parliament. 

  • Insisted she will find a solution to concerns that a 'hard' border could be needed between Northern Ireland and the Republic, potentially undermining the peace agreement.


    Today Theresa May set out 12 priorities for her upcoming Brexit negotiations with the EU:

    1. 1)Promised to 'provide certainty wherever we can' and protect British business from a 'cliff edge' scenario by pursuing a transitional deal with the EU on terms of trade before a permanent trade is struck. 
    2. 2)Leave the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, with laws only being made within the UK - in Westminster, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. 
    3. 3)Strengthen the 'precious union' between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    4. 4)No land border between Northern Ireland and the Republic. She promised a 'practical solution' to maintain the Common Travel Area.

    5. 5)Regain control of the number of people who come to Britain from Europe by ending freedom of movement rules.

    6. 6)Guarantee the rights of EU nationals already living in the UK to stay in Britain after Brexit in exchange for British expats currently living on the continent to remain there 'as soon as we can'.

    7. 7)Promised to not only transfer EU law protecting workers' rights into UK law but to 'build on them'.

    8. 8)Pursue a 'bold and ambitious free trade agreement with the EU.

    9. 9)Make Britain a great, outward-looking trading nation again by regaining the ability to strike new trade deals for the first time in four decades.

    10. 10)Continue to work with European partners on major science, research and technology initiatives rather than weaken the collaboration.

    11. 11)Continue to work closely with European allies in foreign and defence policy and strengthen the Nato military alliance against Russian aggression.

    12. 12)Pursue a 'phased process of implementation' for Brexit that will smooth the transition for institutions in Britain, Brussels and EU member states.

    Pound leaps against the dollar and the euro as Theresa May spells out her Brexit plan

    The pound soared as Theresa May set out her 12-point Brexit plan today.

    Half an hour after Mrs May's speech ended the pound was up 2.5 per cent against the dollar, at 1.23, and 1.6 per cent against the euro at 1.15.

    The pound had plunged in recent days in anticipation of Mrs May's speech, which is expected to confirm Britain will leave the EU single market. 

    Today's gains wiped out those losses as sterling had one of its strongest days in years.

    Germany's broadsheet Die Welt (top left) mocked the Prime Minister with an image of her superimposed in front of a Union Jack flag with the headline 'Little Britain'. Mrs May confirmed on Tuesday that Britain will quit the single market and warned she will walk away from exit talks rather than accept a 'punitive' deal. French daily Libération (top middle) said 'the EU finds itself attacked on all fronts without having seen anything coming.' Italy's La Repubblica (top right) led with the headline 'Brexit, London gets its wall, away from the EU and the common market'. Denmark's Politiken, Spain's El Mundo and Sweden's Dagens Nyheter (bottom row) also responded to Mrs May's Brexit speech with a series of striking front pages.

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