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Thursday, December 8, 2016

How Air Force One is the most secure - and luxurious - plane in the world

The aircraft contains a conference and dining room, kitchens, a communications suite - and even an attic running almost the entire length of the plane

The secrets of Air Force One has been divulged, revealing some of the amazing features that make 'the Flying White House' the most high-tech - and most luxurious - aircraft in the world. 
This week Trump controversially said that the U.S. Air Force should cancel its order with Boeing for a pair of planes slated to serve as the new Air Force One
The official presidential plane can carry more than 100 people, with space for 26 crew, as well as 76 passengers.
The plane carries two pilots, as well as a flight engineer, a navigator, and cabin crew. 

It has a whole variety of rooms inside, including a conference and dining room, kitchens, and a communications suite.

At the back of the plane there is space for the press corps, with designated blue carpet, and business class seats

Every seat is equipped with its own flat screen TV on which journalists can choose from 20 on demand films and hours of music, which they can listen to through the Bose headphones that come in every seat pocket.

The presidential suite at the front of the plane contains two twin couches, which turn into beds. The suite has blinds that come down over the portholes at the push of a button, and it was kitted out with a special Wii games console and television for when the Obama children were travelling. 

There is also an attic that runs almost the entire length of the plane, packed with classified defence equipment including radar jammers and sensors to track cyber attacks or incoming heat-seeking missiles. 

Air Force One usually flies in convoy with several cargo planes, containing surplus stores, and fighter jets. It also has a refuelling nozzle at the front, and the plane's ability to refuel in midair means it can stay in the skies for as long as there is food and water.

There are in fact two Air Force One planes. They are identical Boeing 747s which are rotated every few months. Air Force One are customized Boeing 747-200B aircraft, which carry the tail codes 28000 and 29000.

They are given the special designation VC-25A and fly under the strictest security. Whenever AFO lands or takes off a team of marksmen with high-powered rifles has already fanned out around the perimeter hours before.

The presidential plane also has space to accommodate guests, who are entertained in the room next to the press corps - with a secret service detail separating the two. 

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