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Friday, December 23, 2016

Child Protection Laws in Norway

Norwegian Child Welfare Act (NCWA)
- The NCW Act is applicable to all parents living in Norway with their children, regardless of their residential status, religion and nationality.
- The general child welfare policy is mainly comes under the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion in Norway.
- The child welfare cases are handled by the local child welfare services across all municipalities in Norway. Their job is to conduct family investigations in case of child abuse.
- In Individual child welfare cases, the Norway ministry does not have the authority to intervene nor instruct the child welfare services.
- The Child Welfare Service in Nowray is also known as Barnevernet.
- Barnevernet is an independent body and no ministers can instruct the board in decisions related to the welfare of child.
- In many cases, Barnevernet has been criticised by social workers and child psychologists who argued that they need to reform their methods.
- Every year nearly 53,000 such cases were handled by the child welfare service in Norway.
- The Norway child act places great importance on family ties and child’s upbringing in a healthy atmosphere with their parents.
- Norway has incorporated the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into Norwegian law.
- The convention states protection of children in accordance with its legislation.
- A Care Order is issued by the County Social Welfare Board or District Court and only when the child is subject to serious neglect, maltreatment or abuse.
- The County Social Welfare Board or District Court is empowered to issue ‘Care Order’ when the child is subject to serious neglect, maltreatment or abuse.
- Physical punishment of a child is completely illegal and schools are required to report such incidents to the government.

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