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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Brazil arrests Eduardo Cunha who championed Rousseff's impeachment Wednesday Oct 19,2016

Brazilian police on Wednesday Oct 19,2016 arrested Eduardo Cunha who was one of the country's most powerful lawmakers and the architect of former president Dilma Rousseff's impeachment until he became engulfed in corruption charges.

"We can confirm that (Cunha) was detained in Brasilia," a police spokesman told

Cunha, nicknamed Brazil's Frank Underwood after the scheming main character in the dark US political series "House of Cards," initiated the impeachment process that finally forced Dilm Rousseff out of office this August.

The left-wing president was found guilty of fiddling government accounts. However, she accused Cunha, from the conservative evangelical movement, of mounting a coup.

Cunha's triumph was short-lived, as allegations of massive bribe taking and money laundering in a corruption scheme centered on state oil company Petrobras caught up with him. In September he was stripped of his congressional seat.

Cunha's downfall signals that the Petrobras corruption probe headed by Moro is continuing to send shockwaves through Brazilian politics. Dozens of politicians and executives have already been charged or convicted with involvement in the embezzlement and bribery scheme.

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