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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

2016 US Presidential Election - Four Women Accuse Trump Of Forcibly Groping, Kissing Them

Four women accused Donald Trump of groping or kissing them without their consent in news reports published Wednesday, just days after the Republican presidential nominee insisted in a debate that he had never engaged in such behavior.

One of the women alleges that Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt during a flight more than three decades ago, the New York Times reported. Another says he kissed her on the mouth outside an elevator in 2005, according to the same report. A third woman says Trump groped her rear end at his Mar-a-Lago resort 13 years ago, the Palm Beach Post reported. The fourth, then a People magazine reporter, says Trump kissed her without her assent when the two were alone in 2005 right before an interview she was about to conduct with Trump and his wife.

Trump denied the first two allegations in an interview with the Times. Trump, who was in Miami on Wednesday Oct 12,2016, was considering filing a lawsuit against the Times and was consulting with advisers about his legal options, according to two people close to him. The two people, who requested anonymity to discuss private conversations, said Trump is furious about the accusations made against him in the story and with the newspaper for publishing them.

In a statement issued by his campaign after the Times report was published, spokesman Jason Miller said, "This entire article is fiction." Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks told the Palm Beach Post "there is no truth" to the third allegation. His campaign denied the fourth allegation, People reported.


This entire article is fiction, and for the New York Times to launch a completely false, coordinated character assassination against Mr Trump on a topic like this is dangerous.
To reach back decades in an attempt to smear Mr Trump trvializes sexual assault, and it sets a new low for where the media is willing to go in its efforts to determine this election.
It is absurd to think that one of the most recognizable business leaders on the planet with a strong record of empowering women in his companies would do the things alleged in this story, and for this to only become public decades later in the final month of a campaign for president should say it all.
Further, The Times story buries the pro-Clinton financial and social media activity on behalf of Hillary Clinton's candidacy, reinforcing that this is truly nothing more than a political attack. This is a sad day for the Times.' 
-- Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor 

But in each of the first three instances, the newspapers spoke to people close to the women -- a universe that includes friends, family members, significant others and colleagues -- who verified that they told them their stories about what they say happened months or years ago. In the fourth, the reporter wrote a detailed first person account of what she says happened on People's website.

The news came five days after The Washington Post reported Friday Oct 07,2016 on a 2005 video in which Trump can be heard making vulgar comments on a hot microphone about physically forcing himself on women sexually.

At Sunday Oct 09,2016's debate, Trump was asked by a moderator whether he had ever behaved in such a way.

"No, I have not," he responded.


1980 - Jessica Leeds 
Leeds, a 74-year-old former businesswoman who lives in Manhattan, told the New York Times on Wednesday she was 'assaulted' by Trump on a flight when she was 38.
Leeds explained how she was sat beside Trump in first class on a flight, when the Republican nominee lifted the arm-rest between then and allegedly began touching her. 
'He was like an octopus,' she told the Times. 'His hands were everywhere.'
1989 - Ivana Trump
The Donald's first wife claimed she was 'violated' by him after a violent attack, documents filed as part of the couple's divorce claimed, according to the Daily Beast.
Ivana distanced herself from the claims last year when Trump started his campaign.
1993 - Jill Harth
Jill Harth, a makeup artist, accused Trump of 'attempted rape' stemming from an incident in 1993. 
Harth told the Guardian the incident in question took place during a visit to Trump's Mar-a-Lago mansion in January of that year.
'He pushed me up against the wall, and had his hands all over me and tried to get up my dress again,' she told the newspaper. 'I had to physically say: "What are you doing? Stop it."'
1997 - Four Miss Teen USA contestants
Mariah Billado and three other contestants claimed to Buzzfeed that Trump walked into dressing rooms prior to the pageant while competitors were naked.
'I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, "Oh my god, there’s a man in here".' Bilado told the website, before adding Trump said something like: 'Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before'.
1997 - Miss USA contestant Temple Taggart
Temple Taggart, a former Miss Utah, told the New York Times earlier this year that Trump kissed her on the lips during the pageant.
'I thought, "Oh my God, gross"... I think there were a few other girls that he kissed on the mouth. I was like "Wow, that’s inappropriate",' she told the newspaper.
Taggart has also sat down for an interview with NBC News.
'When I first heard the leaked tape, it's very unsettling... you don't want to hear anyone talking about women like that,' she said in a promotion clip for the interview.
'You look at your sweet, little innocent daughter and think, "this is the world I'm raising her in".' 
Trump responded to Taggart's accusation by saying: 'I don't know anything about her. I don't even know who she is.' 
2000 - Miss USA contestant Bridget Sullivan
Bridget Sullivan told Buzzfeed earlier this year that the then-owner of the pageant walked through the backstage area to wish contestants good luck, despite the fact many of them were naked at the time.
'The time that he walked through the dressing rooms was really shocking. We were all naked,' Sullivan said.
She went on to describe Trump as a 'creepy uncle', saying he would 'hug you just a little low on your back.'
2001 - Miss USA contestant Tasha Dixon
Dixon told CBS News earlier this year walked into the changing rooms at the pageant without warning, meaning many of the competitors were naked or not fully dressed.
'Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half naked changing into our bikinis,' Dixon said in an interview. 'He just came strolling right in. There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless. Other girls were naked.'
2003 - Mindy McGillivray
Mindy McGillivray, 36, told the Palm Beach Post that Trump grabbed her backside after she helped a photographer who was covering a concert at Trump's Mar-a-Lago mansion. 
McGillivray, who was 23 at the time, said she was with Ken Davidoff at the Mar-a-Lago on January 24, 2003.
'All of a sudden I felt a grab, a little nudge. I think it’s Ken’s camera bag, that was my first instinct,' she told the newspaper. 'I turn around and there’s Donald. He sort of looked away quickly.'
2005 - Rachel Crooks
Rachel Crooks was a 22-year-old working as a receptionist at Bayrock Group, a real estate company based in Trump Tower in Manhattan, when she says Trump kissed her on the mouth without permission while in an elevator in 2005.
'It was so inappropriate,' Ms. Crooks told the New York Times. 'I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that.'
Crooks told the newspaper the incident took place after she shook hands with Trump in an elevator and he allegedly refused to let go. She says he then began kissing her on the cheeks, before then kissing her lips.
2005 - Donald Trump admits he would 'inspect' pageant contestants backstage
Donald Trump bragged about the extra power he had during an interview with Howard Stern in April 2005, the tapes of which have been released by CNN.
'I’ll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show and everyone’s getting dressed,' Trump said about the pageant.
'No men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in, because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it…. "Is everyone OK"? You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. "Is everybody OK?"
'And you see these incredible looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that.'
2005 - Trump brags about being able to grope women without consent to Billy Bush on the set of Access Hollywood
 'You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful - I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait,' he was heard saying to Billy Bush on the set of Access Hollywood in 2005 in a recording published by the Washington Post last Friday.
'And when you’re a star they let you do it.  You can do anything. Grab them by the p---y. You can do anything.' 
2005 - Natasha Stoynoff 
Natasha Stoynoff recounted how she had traveled to Mar-a-Largo to interview Trump and his wife, Melania, in December 2005. She said Donald took her into a room he really wanted to see, before forcing himself on her.
'We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds, he was pushing me against the wall, and forcing his tongue down my throat,' 
Stoynoff went on to say how she was rescued when a butler walked in, however when the two were alone again shortly after Trump told her they were 'going to have an affair'. 
2010 - Friend of CNN anchor Erin Burnett
Erin Burnett detailed an encounter that a friend had with Trump in March 2010 in the boardroom at Trump Tower, when he allegedly tried to kiss her without permission. 
The woman told Burnett according to CNN :'Trump took Tic Tacs, suggested I take them also. He then leaned in, catching me off guard, and kissed me almost on lips. I was really freaked out. 
'After (the meeting), Trump asked me to come into his office alone. Was really unsure what to do. ... Figured I could handle myself. Anyway, once in his office he kept telling me how special I am and gave me his cell, asked me to call him. I ran the hell out of there.'
2013 - Miss USA contestant Cassandra Searles
Searles, who won Miss Washington in 2013, said Trump tried to seduce her, groped her, and treated the women in the pageant 'like cattle' according to Yahoo News
'Do y’all remember that one time we had to do our onstage introductions, but this one guy treated us like cattle and made us do it again because we didn’t look him in the eyes?' she wrote in June. 
'Do you also remember when he then proceeded to have us lined up so he could get a closer look at his property?
'Oh I forgot to mention that guy will be in the running to become the next President of the United States.'
She then added: 'He probably doesn’t want me telling the story about that time he continually grabbed my a** and invited me to his hotel room.'

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