
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Terrifying map shows how 443 victims were killed in 18 deadly terror attacks in the last two years in Europe

This map shows the number of deaths in each city in terror-related attacks since 2014. Paris has been hit hardest with 137 of the 155 people being killed

A spate of deadly attacks across Europe over the past two years have left many citizens living in fear.
In 2014, four people were killed in a deadly attack in Brussels, in 2015 a staggering 267 people were slain in atrocities across the continent and so far, in 2016, 172 have died in terrifying attacks.

There have been 18 major deadly incidents and many more violent terror-related assaults on innocent people by crazed fanatics.

As France reels from the murder of an 84-year-old priest at the hands of an ISIS knifeman in a French town near Rouen, in Normandy, here are just some of the deadly attacks in Europe since 2014


Brussels, Belgium: May 24 - Four killed
CCTV caught the moment a suspected anti-semitic gunmen shot dead three visitors at the Jewish Museum in Brussels. Three people, including two tourists from Israel, were killed in the attack. A fourth victim later died of his wounds in hospital. 
Tours, France: December 20 - Three injured  
A knife-wielding French convert to Islam was shot dead after attacking three police officers.
Bertrand Nzohabonayo entered a police station in the central town of Joue-les-Tours armed with a knife, seriously wounding two officers, including slashing one in the face. Nzohabonayo, who had posted an IS flag on his Facebook account, was a French national born in Burundi in 1994
Dijon, France: December 21 - 11 injured
Thirteen people were injured after a known psychiatric patient drove into pedestrians shouting 'God is greatest' in Arabic in a French city. Two of those hit by the driver, who was believed to be drunk, were in a ‘very serious’ condition in the city of Dijon after being struck.
The 40-year-old was arrested by police at the scene who said the man used a Renault Clio to run over 'as many people as he could' before being stopped. 
Nantes, France: December 22 - 11 injured 
Eleven people were injured after a driver crashed his van into a crowded Christmas market in western France.The driver then stabbed himself several times and was among five people hospitalised in serious condition, authorities said. 


Paris, France: January 7 - 12 killed
Two masked men brandishing Kalashnikovs burst into Charlie Hedbo magazine's headquarters, opening fire on staff and shooting them dead, after the magazine published a cartoon depicting the prophet Muhammad.
Among the slain was Stephane Charbonnier, the defiant editor whose satirical newspaper dared to poke fun at everything from religion to feminism. 
January 8 - one killed and one injured
In the southern Paris suburb of Montrouge a gunman, armed with a machine-gun and a pistol, shot dead a policewoman and injured a man before fleeing. The attack was linked to the Charlie Hebdo killings.
January 9 - four killed
A gunman took several people hostage at a kosher supermarket at Porte de Vincennes in the east of Paris after a shootout. Police quickly surrounded the building and four hostages were found dead when they stormed the building.
Copenhagen, Denmark: February 14–15 - two killed and five injured
A shooting at a free speech event featuring an artist who had caricatured the Prophet Muhammad and a second shooting hours later outside a synagogue left two dead and five police officers wounded in Copenhagen. 
Paris, France: April 19 - one killed
A French woman was killed by a gunman after he accidentally shot himself in the leg while trying to carry out an attack on a church.
Zvornik, Bosnia and Herzegovina: April 27 - one killed, two injured
A gunman shouting "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest) attacked a police station in eastern Bosnia, killing one police officer and wounding two before he was shot dead.
The attack occurred in Zvornik, a town in Bosnia's Serb-dominated autonomous region, the Serb Republic, which together with the Bosniak-Croat Federation makes up the Bosnia that emerged from the 1992-95 war.
Diyarbakır, Turkey: June 5 – Four killed, more than 100 injured
Two blasts ripped through a Kurdish rally in Turkey, killing two people and injuring more than 100 in what President Tayyip Erdogan described as a "provocation" designed to undermine peace before a parliamentary election.
The explosions occurred as tens of thousands of people gathered for the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) election rally in Diyarbakir, the largest city in mainly Kurdish southeast Turkey
Lyon, France: June 26 - one killed
A factory worker was beheaded at the headquarters of American-owned Air Products close to Lyon in southern France. His head was found pinned to the gates and surrounded by two Islamist flags. 
Ankara, Turkey: October 10 - 102 are killed, more than 400 injured
Two Turkish security sources claimed ISIS were behind the two explosions which killed 102 at a peace rally in Ankara.
'All signs indicate that the attack may have been carried out by ISIL (ISIS). We are completely focused on ISIL,' one of the sources said. 
Paris, France: November 13 - 137 killed, nearly 400 injured
A series of coordinated attacks occurred at the national stadium during a football match between France and Germany, followed by suicide bombings and mass shootings at cafés, restaurants and a music venue in the centre of the city.
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: November 18 - Two killed, five injured
In what was described as lone wolf attack, two soldiers were killed and five were injured 


Brussels, Belgium: March 22 - 35 killed, more than 300 wounded
Two suicide bombers carrying homemade bombs in large suitcases attacked a departure hall at Brussels Airport in Zaventem. They exploded nine seconds apart. Another explosion took place just over an hour later in the middle carriage of a three-carriage train at Maalbeek metro station.
Magnanville, France: June 14 - two killed
A man pledging his A police officer and his wife were stabbed to death by a man swearing allegiance to ISIS
Istanbul, Turkey: June 28 - 41 killed, more than 230 injured
Three explosions rocked Istanbul's Ataturk airport in a co-ordinated suicide attack. Shocking footage showed explosion at the door to the arrivals hall by a suicide bomber before another two attackers snuck into the building and detonated their devices.
Twenty-three of the victims were Turkish citizens and 13 foreign nationals were also among the casualties, an official has said.
Nice, France: July 14 - 84 killed
A French Tunisian delivery man in Nice killed 84 people when he drove his 19-tonne truck through a crowd of revellers leaving a July 14 fireworks display on the beach front promenade. The Bastille Day attack left hundreds injured.
Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said the 31-year-old attacker, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, had been planning the attack on July 14 for months.
Wurzburg, Germany: July 18 - five injured
A 17-year-old migrant wielding an axe and a knife went on a rampage on a regional train, seriously injuring four members of a tourist family from Hong Kong and a German passer-by.
ISIS group subsequently released a video purportedly featuring the assailant, named by media as Riaz Khan Ahmadzai, announcing he would carry out an 'operation' in Germany, and presenting himself as a 'soldier of the caliphate'. He is believed to have been Afghan or Pakistani. 
Munich, Germany: July 22 - nine killed 
An 18-year-old German-Iranian gunman apparently acting alone killed at least nine people in Munich. The teenager had no Islamist ties but was obsessed with mass killings. The attack was carried out on the fifth anniversary of twin attacks by Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik that killed 77 people. 
Ansbach, Germany: July 24 - 15 injured
A Syrian man wounds 15 people when he blows himself up in a bar outside a music festival in Ansbach in southern Germany. The attack is claimed by Islamic State. The 27-year-old arrived in Germany two years ago and claimed asylum. He had been in trouble with the police repeatedly for drug-taking and other offences and had faced deportation to Bulgaria.  
Rouen, France: July 26 - one killed
Two attackers killed a priest with a blade and seriously wounded another hostage in a church in northern France before being shot dead by French police. Five people were initially taken hostage. French President Francois Hollande said the two hostage takers had pledged allegiance to Islamic State.  

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