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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Jo Cox ,the Labour MP for Batley and Spen Stabbed and Shot Thursday June 16,2016

Jo Cox ,the Labour MP for Batley and Spen has been shot twice and stabbed as she met constituents in West Yorkshire

Batley and Spen MP Jo Cox, 41, was speaking to locals in Birstall near Leeds when she was attacked, an eyewitness has said. The attack took place near the town's library where she held advice surgeries

Those who saw the shocking incident said the mother-of-two was left 'bleeding on the pavement'. She was airlifted to Leeds General hospital where she is said to be in a 'serious condition'.

Labour MP Jo Cox,mother-of-two was punched and kicked to the ground by her attacker before being shot three times – once in the head - with what appeared to be an antique gun and stabbed at least seven times with a 'foot-long hunting knife' as she lay helpless on the ground outside a West Yorkshire library.

The married 41-year-old, who was a rising Labour star and dedicated MP, died from the catastrophic injuries she sustained in yesterday's attack, after the killer ambushed her as she walked to her constituency surgery in Birstall near Leeds at about 1pm.

Two hours after her death, her husband Brendan – with whom she has two young children, aged three and five - tweeted a photograph of her and urged people to 'fight against the hatred that killed her.'

Attacker said to have shouted 'Britain First' as he kicked mother-of-two before shooting and repeatedly stabbing her

52-year-old man, named locally as gardener Tommy Mair, was arrested at scene after armed police flooded the area

The last picture of tragic Jo Cox: Murdered MP is seen giving lecture to schoolchildren in her Yorkshire constituency less than 24 hours before she was shot dead 

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn (C) stands amongst colleagues as he attends a vigil to slain Labour MP Jo Cox in Parliament square in London on June 16, 2016

Who Was Jo Cox?

The 41-year-old was elected last year as an opposition Labour party MP for Batley and Spen, a constituency in West Yorkshire, northern England, where she grew up.

After graduating from the University of Cambridge, she helped set up a pressure group, Britain in Europe, and spent two years working in Brussels.

She was policy chief for aid agency Oxfam and worked with the wife of then Labour prime minister Gordon Brown in tackling maternal and infant mortality.

In parliament she was a prominent campaigner for refugee rights, co-chairing a parliamentary group on Syria with a Conservative MP, and spoke out in favour of immigration in a powerful first speech in the House of Commons.

The murder that shocked the world: Messages of horror and sympathy appear on the front pages across the globe over the death of Jo Cox

The murder of British MP Jo Cox - shot and stabbed Thursday June 16,2016 on the streets of her constituency - has made front page news in papers all over the world. 

The 'assassination' of the Labour MP was on the front page of newspapers in France, Belgium, Germany, Australia, New Zealand and Japan and also featured heavily on online news websites.

Many newspapers linked it to the European Union referendum as Mrs Cox was a strong campaigner for Britain to remain in the EU, as well as being a supporter of human rights and the plight of Syrian refugees. 

Belgium's Le Soir newspaper carried a headline which read: 'The Brexit debate turns into a tragedy'

'Brexit, blood on the referendum, murdered woman symbol of Labour', reads the headline on the left-wing La Repubblica newspaper in Italy

The headline of one of Sweden's leading newspapers reads: 'Killed during campaign'

Germany's best-selling Bild newspaper claimed Jo Cox had been threatened for several months

Spain's ABC newspaper indelibly links Jo Cox's murder to the Brexit referendum

The New Zealand Herald also mentioned the hate mail campaign against Jo Cox

'Murder in Brexit-battle' is the bold headline in De Telegraaf in the Netherlands

France's Le Monde newspaper reported that the killing was an 'attack on democracy'

Portugal's Diario de Noticias newspaper reports on the suspension of campaigning after Jo Cox's murder

Argentina's Clarin newspaper said the killing of Jo Cox was a 'confusing episode'
Turkey's Hurriyet newspaper headline simply reads: 'British MP loses her life in attack'

The attack on Jo Cox was also headline news in Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper 

Thomas Mair(52)of Birstall, has also been charged with grievous bodily harm, possession of a firearm with intent to commit an indictable offence and possession of an offensive weapon.

Mair is due to appear at Westminster Magistrates Court on Saturday morning June 18,2016, West Yorkshire Police said in a statement.

Gofundme page set up in honour of Labour MP Jo Cox raises £320,000 in less than a day 

A fundraising page launched following the tragic death of Labour MP Jo Cox has raised more than £300,000 in just 22 hours.

Donations have been pouring in on GoFundMe from those mourning the mother of two's death and the cash raised will go to three charities 'closest to her heart'. 

More than 10,000 people have donated and the figure exceeded the original target of £250,000 in around 18 hours. 

People began donating after the Batley and Spen MP, 41, was fatally shot and stabbed at lunchtime on Thursday June 16,2016 as she headed to a meeting with her constituents Birstall, near Leeds, West Yorkshire

A fundraising page launched following the tragic death of Labour MP Jo Cox has raised more than £300,000 in just 22 hours.

Donations have been pouring in on GoFundMe from those mourning the mother of two's death and the cash raised will go to three charities 'closest to her heart'. 

More than 10,000 people have donated and the figure exceeded the original target of £250,000 in around 18 hours. 

People began donating after the Batley and Spen MP, 41, was fatally shot and stabbed at lunchtime on Thursday June 16,2016 as she headed to a meeting with her constituents Birstall, near Leeds, West Yorkshire

A fundraising page launched following the tragic death of Labour MP Jo Cox has raised more than £300,000 in just 22 hours.

Donations have been pouring in on GoFundMe from those mourning the mother of two's death and the cash raised will go to three charities 'closest to her heart'. 

More than 10,000 people have donated and the figure exceeded the original target of £250,000 in around 18 hours. 

People began donating after the Batley and Spen MP, 41, was fatally shot and stabbed at lunchtime on Thursday June 16,2016 as she headed to a meeting with her constituents Birstall, near Leeds, West Yorkshire

There was a moment Saturday June 18,2016 when all three clung tightly to each other. Jo Cox's parents, Jean and Gordon Leadbeater, and her younger sister Kim appeared utterly alone with their thoughts and memories.

But the people of Birstall, West Yorkshire, and the rest of Britain beyond, were by their side as each halting step brought them closer to Jo's memorial, near the spot where she was cut down.

They had arrived at the market town shortly after 2pm to survey the ever-growing mound of flowers laid in tribute. Undeniably, it was the most painful of pilgrimages.

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