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Friday, June 17, 2016

IAAF Votes to Keep Russia Banned Ahead of Rio Olympics Friday June 17,2016

World athletics' governing body decided on Friday June 17,2016 to maintain its doping ban on all Russian athletes, Russia's athletics federation said, leaving the country's hopes of competing in the Rio Olympics dependent on Olympic chiefs giving a special dispensation at a meeting next week.

The Council of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) was meeting in Vienna to decide whether to lift the ban after hearing from a task force that significant doping problems still existed in Russia.

The suspension was first imposed in November and extended in March.

The initial ban, in November, came after a report by an independent commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) revealed widespread state-sponsored doping.

A task force led by Norwegian Rune Andersen was set up to monitor progress in reforming Russia's anti-doping programme, and in March reported that there was "significant work to do".

On Wednesday June 15,2016, WADA released another damning report on the doping situation in Russia, one of the world's sporting super-powers, who were second behind the United States in the athletics medal table at the 2012 Olympics.

That report revealed 52 new failed tests and stories of extraordinary attempts to avoid, obstruct or intimidate drug testers, suggesting that attempts to change the culture of doping in Russia had failed.

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