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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Britain Votes on European Union(EU)Membership '' Leave or Remain '' Today Thursday June 23,2016

Polls opened in Britain on Thursday for a referendum on whether the country should quit the European Union bloc of which it has been a member for 43 years.

More than 46 million people are registered for the vote, which asks: "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?"

The "remain" campaign led by Prime Minister David Cameron argues that Britain is safer and richer inside the 28-nation EU.

"Leave" campaigners claim that only a British exit can restore power to Parliament and control immigration

Turnout is considered critical in the vote, as polling suggested there were a number of undecided voters. Those who waver at the end tend to go for the status quo, which would favor the "remain" campaign.

It was raining heavily in some parts of the country, which could have an effect on turnout.

Downpours and flooding swamped parts of London and southeastern Britain. London's Fire Brigade received hundreds of calls of weather-related incidents early Thursday, including some reports of flooding and lighting strikes.
Polling stations open at 7 am (0600 GMT) and close at 10 pm (2100 GMT). Many votes will have been cast in advance by postal ballot. Election officials in 382 areas will begin counting the votes immediately after polls close and the results due early on Friday June 24,2016

Is The Referendum Binding?

No. Parliament isn't legally required to abide by the vote, but there would be strong political pressure to do so, especially if the result of the referendum is clear-cut

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