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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Israel launches first ever video distress call service Wednesday March 16,2016

Israelis can now use their smartphones to make live video distress calls to emergency responders, a first-of-its-kind service that, if successful, could set a new standard for countries around the world.

Video chats, texting and location detection may be humdrum features for today's smartphone user, but they remain a puzzle to most emergency calling systems, which are outdated and only take voice calls.

This gap in technology, which developed countries are racing to close, leads to slower response times, miscommunications and many wasted resources, often to the detriment of people calling for help.

Israel on Wednesday March 16,2016 became the first country to launch a nationwide platform in which emergency operators can see live video, chat via text messages and determine pinpoint location outdoors and indoors.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak (2nd L), who is also chairman and investor of Reporty, poses for a picture with founders of Reporty Alex Dizengof (L), Amir Elichai and Lital Leshem (R) during the launch of a system, downloaded as a phone app and developed by start-up Reporty, whereby people can make live video distress calls to emergency responders, in Tel Aviv, Israel March 16, 2016.

The system, downloaded as a phone app, was developed by a high-profile start-up called Reporty, whose chairman is former prime minister Ehud Barak. If successful, it could attract police, fire and ambulance services from around the world.

"This solution did not exist beforehand," said Eli Bean, director of Israel's Magen David Adom ambulance service. "It will allow us to get the information we need real time, and certainly reduce response time and improve the care we provide."

This could be for a simple emergency, like a sick family member, or a mass casualty incident, he said, referring to a Palestinian attack last week in Tel Aviv in which about a dozen people were stabbed at multiple spots along a boardwalk.

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