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Saturday, February 20, 2016

2016 US Presidential Election -Donald Trump Wins South Carolina Republican Primary Saturday February 20,2016

Donald Trump did more than win his second easy victory in consecutive presidential primaries in South Carolina on Saturday February 20,2016

Donald Trump advanced his takeover of the Republican Party. He proved that he can dominate a race in the Deep South. 

Donald Trump vanquished the dynasty that ruled the GOP establishment for decades as Jeb Bush dropped his White House bid.

And in the process, Donald Trump left no doubt that he is the GOP's national front-runner and has the most credible path to capture the party's nomination.

In the past six GOP primaries without an incumbent, New Hampshire and South Carolina have been won by the same candidate three times—and all three went on to win the nomination.

 With the exception of Newt Gingrich in 2012, meanwhile, every single South Carolina winner since 1980 went on to become the eventual Republican nominee.

At 11:30 p.m. ET with 99% of the vote counted in the Republican primary, Trump was in the lead at 32.5%, with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in an effective tie on 22.5% and 22.3% respectively. 
Jeb Bush trailed in fourth at 7.9% just ahead of Ohio Gov. John Kasich and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson. 

Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks with his daughter Ivanka (L) and his wife Melania (R) at his sides at his 2016 South Carolina presidential primary night victory rally in Spartanburg, South Carolina February 20, 2016

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