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Monday, September 14, 2015

United Nations Champions of the Earth Award

The United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) established Champions of the Earth in 2004 as an annual awards programme to recognize outstanding environmental leaders at a policy level.

 Six awards are given out each year to a Laureate representing different geographical regions with one additional special prize.

The annual Champions of the Earth award is the highest environmental accolade that the United Nations can confer upon outstanding individuals and organisations

To date, the Champions of the Earth has recognised 67 laureates in the categories of policy, science, business and civil society.

2013 United Nations Champions of the Earth Award Winners


Google Earth, Brazil's Minister of Environment Izabella Teixeira and Carlo Petrini, the founder of the Slow Food Movement, were among the award winners in 2013.
Others winners in 2013 were European Commissioner for Environment Janez Potocnik; Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Professor at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD; Jack Dangermond, founder of the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), and Martha Isabel Ruiz Corzo from the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve in Mexico
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2014 United Nations Champions of the Earth Award Winners
H.E. Tommy Remengesau,
Jr. President of Palau for turning a climate risk into an economic opportunity by boosting Palau's eco-tourism through biodiversity protection.
Sixth President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for leading a new breed of global leaders who champion sound environmental stewardship as a means to economic growth.
U.S. Green Building Council
for transforming the design, construction and operation of our living and work spaces towards greater energy and economic efficiency.
Sir Robert Watson,
Eminent Environmental Scientist for being one of the world's leading climate scientists who promote the science behind ozone depletion, global warming and biodiversity.
Boyan Slat,
Founder of The Ocean Clean-up Initiative for taking on the challenge of cleaning up the world's oceans.
Fatima Jibrell, Founder of Adeso (formerly Horn Relief) for championing community-led change to protect Somalia's pastoral way of life and fragile environment
Sylvia Earle,
Ocean Explorer and Conservationist for a lifetime of leadership in ocean exploration and conservation, championing the fundamental role of oceans in the sustainability of global ecosystems
Mario Molina, Nobel Laureate and Renowned Ozone Scientist for a lifetime of leadership that paved the way for decades of action under the Montreal Protocol, one of the most significant climate-related global agreements ever made.

2015 United Nations Champions of the Earth Award Winners

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been named as one of the winners of the UN's highest environmental accolade -- Champions of the Earth -- in recognition of Bangladesh's far-reaching initiatives to address climate change, says the United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP)

The other winners named so far are -
  • The National Geographic Society (Science and Innovation)
  •  Brazilian cosmetics firm Natura (Entrepreneurial Vision)and
  • South Africa's Black Mamba Anti-Poaching Unit (Inspiration and Action).

The awards will be handed out at a Gala Ceremony at the close of the Sustainable Development Goals summit, on September 27,2015

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