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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Nobel Prize Awarded Organizations

The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded 25 times to organizations between 1901 and 2014

22 individual organizations have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, as UNHCR, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, has received the Nobel Peace Prize twice, in 1954 and 1981, and the work of Comité international de la Croix Rouge (International Committee of the Red Cross) (ICRC) has been honoured three times, in 1917, 1944 and 1963.

2013 Nobel Peace Prze to Organisation for the prohibition of Chemical Weapons(OPCW)

2012 Nobel Peace Prize to European Union(EU)

2007 Nobel Peace Prize to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)

2006 Nobel Peace Prize to Grameen Bank

2005 Nobel Peace Prize to International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA)

2001 Nobel Peace Prize to United Nations(UN)

1999 Nobel Peace Prize to Medecins Sans Frontieres

1997 Nobel Peace Prize to International Campaign to Ban Land Mines(ICBL)

1997 Nobel Peace Prize to Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs

1988 Nobel Peace Prize to United Nations Peacekeeping Forces

1985 Nobel Peace Prize to International Physicians For Prevention of Nuclear War

1981 Nobel Peace Prize to Office of UNHCR

1977 Nobel Peace Prize to Amnesty International

1969 Nobel Peace Prize to International Labour Organization(ILO)

1965 Nobel Peace Prize to UNICEF

1963 Nobel Peace Prize to Comite international de la Croix Rouge(Intl Committee of Red Cross)

1954 Nobel Peace Prize to Office of UNHCR

1947 Nobel Peace Prize to Friends Service Council(The Quakers)

1944 Nobel Peace Prize to Comite international de la Croix Rouge(Intl Committee of Red Cross)

1938 Nobel Peace Prize to Offiice international Nansen pour les Refugies(Nansen Intl office for Refugees

1917 Nobel Peace Prize to Comite international de la Croix Rouge(Intl Committee of Red Cross)

1910 Nobel Peace Prize to Bureau international permanent de la Paix(Permanent Intl Peace Bureau)

1904 Nobel Peace Prize to Institut de droit international(Institute of Intl Law)

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