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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Irish Republican Army(IRA)

Irish Republican Army (IRA), also called Provisional Irish Republican Armyrepublican paramilitary organization seeking the establishment of a republic, the end of  British Rule in Northern Ireland and the reunification of Ireland

The IRA was created in 1919 as a successor to the Irish Volunteers, a militant nationalist organization founded in 1913

From 1969 through 1997, the IRA splintered into a number of organizations, all called the IRA.
They included:
  • the Official IRA (OIRA)
  • the Provisional IRA(PIRA)
  • the REal IRA(RIRA)and
  • Continuity IRA (CIRA).
The association of the IRA with terrorism comes from the paramilitary activities of the Provisional IRA, which is no longer active

The IRA has always had a relatively small membership, estimated at several hundred members, organized in small, clandestine cells. Its daily operations are organized by a 7-person Army Council

The IRA is a strictly paramilitary organization. Its political wing is Sinn Féin (We Ourselves, in Gaelic), a party that has represented Republican (Catholic) interests since the turn of the 20th century. When the first Irish assembly was declared in 1918 under the leadership of Sinn Féin, the IRA was considered the official army of the state. Sinn Féin has been a significant force in Irish politics since the 1980s.

From the 1970s-1990s, the IRA received weapons and training from various international sources, most notably American sympathizers, Libya and the PLO

IRA called a ceasefire in 1997and in July 2005 it was formally ending its armed struggle and promised to abandon all weapons. Three months later international monitors said that the IRA had put weapons beyond use

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