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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hungarian Police Use Tear Gas And Pepper Spray On Migrants And Refugees At The Serbian Border Wednesday Sep 16,2015

Hungarian police used tear gas and water cannons on hundreds of migrants who broke through a razor wire fence on the border with Serbia on Wednesday Sep 16,2015, while migrants prevented from moving through Hungary increasingly began taking a longer route into Western Europe through Croatia.

Frustrated migrants blocked on the Serbian side of the border threw plastic water bottles and rocks at helmeted riot police and chanted demands that the border be re-opened. Police responded with tear gas and water cannons."We fled wars and violence and did not expect such brutality and inhumane treatment in Europe," said Amir Hassan, an Iraqi who was soaking wet from the water cannon and trying to wash tear gas from his eyes. "Shame on you, Hungarians," he shouted pointing in the direction of the shielded Hungarian policemen who were firing volleys of tear gas canisters directly into the crowd.

Hungarian border police stand guard opposite refugees standing behind a fence at the Hungarian border with Serbia near the town of Horgos, Serbia
No entry: Hungarian border police stand guard opposite refugees standing behind a fence at the Hungarian border with Serbia near the town of Horgos, Serbia

The clashes took place at a small border crossing in the Serbian village Horgos, a short distance from the main border crossing into Hungary. Serbian authorities sent ambulances to the site but it wasn't immediately clear how many people were injured

Before the tensions escalated, some women had pushed to the front of the crowd and held small babies and children above their heads as they faced police in an obvious appeal for mercy, but no one made it through

Hungarian authorities also said Wednesday that they have arrested a total of 519 migrants who tried to cross the border since tough new laws went into effect on Tuesday Sep 15,2015 that make it a crime to cross from Serbia anywhere other than at legal checkpoints.
Authorities launched 46 criminal prosecutions and found two Iraqi men guilty, the first convictions based on the new laws.
Two men were expelled from Hungary, with one banned from re-entering the country for one year, the other banned for two years

Drone footage captures the tear gas, tanks, tents and sheer scale of the Hungarian border fence keeping desperate migrants out

Anarchy on the border: The drone footage shot yesterday shows tear gas being fired at migrants on the border while riot police guard the four metre-high fence, stretching far into the distance, which was built to keep them out of Hungary 

Desperate measures: Hundreds of migrants carried what little belongings they had towards the chaos at the fence, while others set up tents in nearby parking lots and fields - or simply sat on the roadside in the summer sun

Chaos reigns: Litter and rubble scattered the road where migrants had been gathering for over two days after Hungary closed the border and refused to let them in. On the other side, riot police stood with shields and pepper spray 

Reinforcements: Rows of Hungarian riot police, ominously dressed in black, with water cannon tanks behind waited as the migrants protested and then smashed through the border at around 5.30pm yesterday 

Stranded: Several buses and cars were parked on the E75 highway through the Balkans, as many migrants hung up their clothes and belongings on the side of the road, while the notoriously inhumane Roszke detention camp lay somewhere to the north


In the past few months, Hungary has become a main entry point into the European Union for migrants, many of them war refugees from Syria and Iraq, with more than 200,000 entering the country so far this year. Almost all entered from the southern border with Serbia and passed through Hungary quickly on their way to Germany or other wealthy Western European nations.

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