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Monday, September 14, 2015

European Union(EU) Fails To Reach Deal On Quota Plan To Share Migrant Refugees Monday Sep 14,2015

European Union Fails to Reach Migrant Deal as Countries Impose Border Checks

EU ministers failed to reach agreement Monday Sep 14,2015 on a quota plan to share the burden of a flood of refugees as Hungary closed the main migrant crossing with Serbia and other European countries imposed border checks

EU migration commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos added: "For our proposal on 120,000 we did not have the agreement we wanted." The ministers were discussing plans unveiled last week by European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker to redistribute 120,000 refugees from overstretched Greece, Italy and Hungary.
The plans face fierce opposition from many eastern European member states.
Slovak interior minister Robert Kalinak said his country, the Czech Republic and others refused to back the plan, and called for a summit of EU leaders.
"There was no consensus, several countries disagreed

With Europe's 20-year-old Schengen passport-free zone creaking under the pressure, Austria and Slovakia said they would follow economic powerhouse Germany's lead in reinstating frontier controls to deal with the flow of people.

Poland said it was considering similar steps while the Netherlands said it would have "more patrols" on its frontiers.

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