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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Egypt president Abdel Fatta al-Sisi 'pardons 100 prisoners, including Canadian Al Jazeera journalist Mohamed Fahmy' Wednesday Sep 23,2015

Egypt's president Abdel Fatta al-Sisi on Wednesday Sep 23,2015 has pardoned Mohamed Fahmy - one of the three Al Jazeera TV journalists convicted of broadcasting false news.
Mohamed Fahmy, a Canadian citizen, is included on a list of 100 prisoners given pardons by Abdul Fattah al-Sisi.

But Mohamed Fahmy's Egyptian colleague, Baher Mohamed, is not named on the list, nor is the Australian Peter Greste, who was deported in February.

They were sentenced to three years in prison last month after a retrial on charges critics said were unfounded.

Prosecutors accused them of collaborating with the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood after the overthrow of President Mohammed Morsi by the military in 2013.

The journalists denied the allegation and said they were simply reporting the news.


The trio - Mohamed Fahmy,Baher Mohamed and Peter Greste were arrested in 2013 while working for the al-Jazeera network. They were charged with airing false news and aiding the Muslim Brotherhood.

They spent 400 days in jail.

In January their convictions were overturned, and, in February, Greste was deported to Australia. However, a retrial was ordered and the trio were convicted and sentenced.

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