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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Budapest Train station reopens to migrants after two-day conflict Thursday Sep 03,2015

The Keleti train station in Budapest, Hungary, reopened to migrants Thursday Sep 03,2015 after a two-day conflict, but international trains to Western Europe have been suspended indefinitely.

Hundreds of Migrants were struck since Tuesday Sep 01,2015 when Hungary decided to prevent them from entering the train station. Several migrants clashed with police.

The Hungary Government said it closed the station to restore order and enforce European Union rules on migrant distribution and registration.

The EU rule on refugees, known as the Dublin Regulation, says asylum seekers must register in the first EU member country in which they arrived. Germany recently said it would suspend the rule for

Syrian migrants who traveled to the country, which is encouraging Migrants to continue travelling toward Munich.

Dozens of migrants attempted to cram themselves into a train headed for Munich, but Hungary reportedly is not allowing people to travel to Germany. Other migrants were attempting to reach Vienna, Austria.

One train carrying migrants departed Budapest on Thursday, headed toward the Austrian border.

A desperate refugee family have been photographed being dragged off an Austria-bound train by Hungarian authorities who wanted to take them away to a migrant holding camp.

Having finally been allowed to leave Budapest on board trains bound for western Europe after a tense two day stand off with police, hundreds of refugees now face further frustration and delays after their train was halted in the nearby town of Bicske and all those on board ordered off.

Hungarian police officers wearing protective helmets and carrying truncheons demanded the refugees make their way to a migrant holding centre in the town - leading to clashes with those desperate to start a new life in western Europe.

In one particularly harrowing sequence of images a father overcome with emotion tries desperately to protect his wife and child from being taken away - lying down on the tracks in protest before officers dragged them away for their own safety.  
Danger: In one particularly harrowing sequence of images a father overcome with emotion tries desperately to protect his wife and child from being taken away - lying down on the tracks in protest  
This desperate migrant family were forced off a train by police in Hungary, as authorities tried to take them to a holding camp 
Lost control: The harrowing images show a man completely lose control of his emotions as he pleads to be allowed to stay with his family

Emotion: A refugee mother lies on the tracks with her young baby as Hungarian authorities try to detain her and take her to a holding camp 

The refugee family tried lying down on the tracks in protest before Hungarian police officers dragged them away for their own safety


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