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Friday, August 14, 2015

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Appoints Opponent Of Palestinian Statehood As UN Envoy Friday Aug 14,2015

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Friday Aug 14,2015 that Israel’s next ambassador to the United Nations will be Danny Danon, an outspoken opponent of a two-state solution.
"The UN platform is very important at this time, and I'm sure Danny will fight with all his might to present the truth in the international arena," Netanyahu said

Danny Danon, Israel’s current science minister and a member of Parliament in Netanyahu’s Likud party, strongly opposes Palestinian statehood and regrets that Israel failed to annex parts of the West Bank in 1967

Danny Danon's appointment comes just over a month ahead of the U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York.  

In March 2015, Netanyahu made a pre-election promise that he would not allow for the creation of a Palestinian state if he remained in office 

U.S. has made it clear that it would veto Palestinian statehood measures at the U.N., insisting that statehood should be negotiated between Israel and the Palestinian government. 

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