
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Harrowing Arrival Of Refugees On Greek Shores

Every day, hundreds of refugees arrive at the Greek island of Lesbos, seeking a refuge in Europe from their war-stricken homelands.

Most of them hail from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, traveling from Turkey to the Greek islands across dangerous seas and on overcrowded boats reach Lesbos

The small Aegean island, also known as Myteline, has seen a sharp rise in the number of refugees this year
The United Nations refugee agency said that 737 refugees came ashore at Lesbos this January; in May the number rose almost ten-fold to 7,200

The influx on Lesbos island has left refugees struggling to find shelter and register with authorities once they reach the Greek island

Syrian refugees arrive at Lesbos on June 18, 2015
Syrian refugees flash the victory as their dinghy arrives at Lesbos on June 18, 2015
Migrants wait to be registered at Lesbos on June 18, 2015

Afghan refugees arrive at Lesbos on June 2, 2015

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