
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launches ''DD Kisan'' Channel Tuesday May 26,2015


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday launched Doordarshan's farmer-centric channel –DD Kisan.

Addressing the farmers during the launch of the channel, Modi said that agriculture must be encouraged in India.

While stating that the growth of the villages are key to the growth of the nation, Modi said, “Increase in production will lead to increase income.”

The Kisan channel would lead to more awareness among farmers regarding the sector, Modi further added.

The government has made it a "must carry" channel making it mandatory for cable and Direct to Home (DTH) operators to provide it to their subscribers

Officials said that earlier there were 24 TV channels which were must carry channels and after the notification issued with regard to DD Kisan, there are 25 such channels now. Several Doordarshan channels are included in the category of 'must carry' channels

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