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Thursday, May 14, 2015

India way behind on World Health Organization(WHO) health targets


The WHO’s annual World Health Statistics for 2015 were released in Geneva on Wednesday May 13,2015

India has met only four of ten health targets under the Millenium Development Goals (MDG), and has made next to no progress on another four, according to new data from the World Health Organisation. The deadline for achieving MDGs runs out this year

The report finds that globally, life expectancy at birth has increased by six years for both men and women since 1990.In India, life expectancy grew by eight years between 1990 and 2013

 Infant Mortality
Since 1990, child deaths have almost halved — falling from an estimated 90 deaths per 1000 live births to 46 deaths per 1000 live births in 2013. Yet the world will not achieve the MDG target of reducing the death rate by two-thirds
India has sharply reduced its infant mortality between 2000 and 2013, it still contributes for the most infant deaths globally. Non-communicable diseases are the top killers, followed by communicable diseases and injuries.

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