
Monday, March 23, 2015

World Tuberculosis Day - March 24


 World Tuberculosis Day, falling on March 24 each year, is designed to build public awareness about the Global Epidemic of Tuberculosis(TB) and efforts to eliminate the disease

In 2012, 8.6 million people fell ill with TB, and 1.3 million died from the disease, mostly in the Third World 

World TB Day is one of 8 official Global Public Health Campaigns marked by the World Health Organization(WHO)along with -
  • World Health Day
  • World Blood Donor Day
  • World Immunization Week
  • World Malaria Day
  • World No Tobacco Day
  • World Hepatitis Day and
  • World AIDS Day

Each World TB Day addresses a different theme
1997: Use DOTS more widely
1998: DOTS success stories
1999: Stop TB, use DOTS
2000: Forging new partnerships to Stop TB
2001: DOTS: TB cure for all
2002: Stop TB, fight poverty
2003:DOTS cured me – it will cure you too!
2004: Every breath counts – Stop TB now!
2005: Frontline TB Care Providers: Heroes in the fight against TB
2006: Actions for life – Towards a world free of TB
2007: TB anywhere is TB everywhere
2008-2009: I am stopping TB
2010: Innovate to accelerate action
2011: Transforming the fight towards elimination
2012: Call for a world free of TB
2013: Stop TB in my lifetime
2014: Reach the three million: A TB Test, Treatment and Cure for All

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