
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bangladesh Liberation War March 26,1971 – December 16, 1971

The Bangladesh Liberation War which established the republic of Bangladesh broke out on 26 March 1971, when the Pakistani Army launched a military operation called Operation Searchlight against Bengali civilians, students,intelligentsia and armed personnel, who were demanding that the Pakistani military junta accept the results of the 1970 first democratic elections of Pakistan, which were won by an eastern party, or to allow separation between East and West Pakistan

Bengali politicians and army officers announced the declaration of Bangladesh's independence in response to Operation Searchlight. Bengali military, paramilitary and civilians formed the Mukti Bahini, which engaged in guerrilla warfare against Pakistani forces

India entered the war on 3 December 1971, after Pakistan launched pre-emptive air strikes on northern India. Overwhelmed by two war fronts, Pakistani defences soon collapsed. On 16 December, the Allied Forces of Bangladesh and India defeated Pakistan in the east.

The war pitted East Pakistan (later joined by India) against West Pakistan, and lasted over 8 months, 2 weeks and 2 days - March 26,1971 – December 16, 1971

Jatiyo Sriti Soudho at Savar, a tribute to the martyrs of the Bangladesh Independence War

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