
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Land and Coal Bills introduced in Lok Sabha Tuesday Feb 24,2015

The NDA Govt on Tuesday Feb 24,2015 used its majority in the Lok Sabha to introduce the controversial Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill and the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill to replace two ordinances despite statutory resolutions moved against them by the Opposition. 

In sharp contrast, in the Rajya Sabha, the Opposition unitedly opposed the government’s efforts to withdraw the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Bill, the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Bill and the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, forcing it to defer the move. The government’s plan was to get the Bill passed in the Lok Sabha and then try for a joint session. 
Outmanoeuvred on the Land Acquisition Bill by a united Opposition in the Upper House, the government agreed to consult leaders of all parties to find a solution. But this came only after a heated debate during Zero Hour: First, Leader of the House Arun Jaitley objected to the Opposition raising the “subject of a particular Bill” instead of debating the issue of ordinances. Then, Congress Deputy Leader Anand Sharma pointed out that four parties, including his own, had given notice under Rule 267 for suspension of business to discuss it as, he maintained, the government had bypassed Parliament to amend a law that had been passed in 2013 with the support of all parties, including the BJP.

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