
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Scotland Offered More Devolution By Westminster Parties If They Reject Independence

The three main Westminster political parties have made their latest offer to Scotland to stop them voting for independence - ahead of a television debate that could swing the campaign in favour of the Yes campaign

The leaders of the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrats have made a formal joint declaration, making clear their commitment to delivering further powers for the Scottish Parliament after the 2015 general election.

The commitment has been made ahead of tonight's televised debate between First Minister Alex Salmond and ex-Labour chancellor and leader of the Better Together campaign, Alistair Darling.

The Yes campaign is hoping Salmond's debating skills will give it the boost it needs ahead of September 2014 referendum.

David Cameron, Labour leader Ed Miliband and Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg have all signed a joint declaration which states: "We support a strong Scottish Parliament in a strong United Kingdom and we support the further strengthening of the Parliament's powers."
The three leaders go on to promise to "strengthen further the powers of the Scottish Parliament, in particular in the areas of fiscal responsibility and social security".
The declaration continues: "The Scottish Labour Party, the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party and the Scottish Liberal Democrats have each produced our own visions of the new powers which the Scottish Parliament needs.
"We shall put those visions before the Scottish people at the next general election and all three parties guarantee to start delivering more powers for the Scottish Parliament as swiftly as possible in 2015.

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